Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today's thoughts...

1) I am thankful for the Easter season. Although I'm looking forward to teaching Chandler how to pick up eggs, eat his first Peep marshmallow, and play with the things the Easter Bunny will bring him this year, it's really not about these things at all. Just like last year, he'll be hearing about the true meaning of Easter...Jesus. He died for me, and he died for you.

2) I am thankful for sandal season. I just love sliding them on my feet, especially when my toes are pretty!

3) I am so thankful that tomorrow is Friday. Although the weekend is going to be a busy one, I am excited that I get to spend it with BOTH of my boys. Brent works every other weekend, and this is the weekend he's off. YAY!

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