Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Current Chandler-isms

It's been a while since I posted any of these, so I thought I would post them for your enjoyment! I hope you find them as precious as I do. I especially adore the way he adds "es" to the end of a lot of his words.

Naxes = Snack

Bloxes = Blocks

Teen Up = Clean Up

Dinsor Chrane = Dinosaur Train

Boh the Biller = Bob the Builder

Whyatt!!! = Super Why (Loves it!)

Min = Amen

Bootses = Fruit

Bapes = Grapes

Tut Gas = Cut Grass (Loves to watch!)

Gas Wet = The grass is wet.

Weed = Weedeater

Poon = Spoon

Pork = Fork

Tut = Cut (As in "Cut my food.")

Toc Ball = Soccer Ball

Foo Ball = Football

Bass Ball = Basketball

Tarses = Car

Tees = Cheese 

Tetcha = Ketchup

Muss = Mustard

Omeal = Oatmeal

Cheeros = Cheerios

Brandon = Grandad (Brent's Dad)

Empa = Grandpa (My Dad)

Wallma = Walmart

Choos On = Put my/your shoes on.

Poo = Pool

Bash = Bath

Toth = Cloth (Washcloth)



Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday

School has started and is in full swing for sure. These are a few things I am thankful for this first busy, exhausting week.

1) A sweet class

2) An awesome group of coworkers

3) A terrific husband who has been entertaining a sweet two-and-a-half year old for the last hour just so I could relax for a little while

Linking up with Julia....