Sunday, February 16, 2014

Homemade "Febreze"

A few weeks ago I shared an easy and frugal way to clean a shower using products most of us already have around the house. If you haven't tried it yet, I really encourage you to do it. I promise it works like a charm if you follow the directions!

Today, I would like to share another awesome and frugal cleaning tip with you. I have been a huge fan of Febreze for years. I love how it helps freshen up furniture, carpets, rugs, bedding, and curtains, as well as almost anything that has been in storage for a while. In a busy house, it's really a necessity. However, I have never liked the price of it. That stuff is stinkin' expensive!

So, you know me; I went to my friend {Pinterest} for some ideas, and ladies and gentlemen, she did not let me down! There were several pins/blogs about how to make your own "Febreze", so I read about three of them and compared them. All of them were pretty similar, so, I set out to get what I needed and tried it out. I was not disappointed, and I don't think you will be either. Just make sure you follow all the directions, and you'll be set. You'll also love the extra bucks in your wallet!

Here's what you need: 

* 1/8 cup liquid fabric softener  (I got mine at Dollar Tree.)
* 2 Tablespoons baking soda (I already had this!)
* A funnel
* Hot tap water 

NOTE: I used my existing 27 ounce Febreze container. If your spray bottle is a different size, you may need to adjust the amounts of fabric softener and baking soda. 

What you do: 
1. Pour the fabric softener into the spray bottle.
2. Add the baking soda.
3. Fill the rest of the spray bottle with hot tap water.
4. Shake well and don't forget to shake the bottle before each use. This step is very important!

Try it out and let me know what you think!

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