Friday, July 29, 2011

It Does a Mama Good

On Tuesday night, I packed up a bag for us, and two for Chandler. My mother-in-law (affectionately called Nana) came and picked up Chandler on Wednesday morning, and by noon, Brent and I were on our way to Pigeon Forge. By 3:45, we were having a blast at Dollywood theme park, just the two of us.

We were only gone from home about 30 hours, but it was nice to have the time away to ourselves. It was strange in some ways, too, though. I didn't have to change any diapers, prepare any toddler-appropriate food and feed someone else while I was trying to feed myself, or make sure anyone got their nap for the afternoon. I knew Nana was doing a good job of taking care of these things, and doing a little spoiling, too!

We rode all the rides we wanted to ride - most of them twice, Brent got a few laughs since I'm a chicken on fast rides, we ate ice cream and drank coke to stay cool, and held hands like we were teenagers again. It was nice quality time, and we made some good memories together. Trips like this do a mama good, but I sure was happy to see and hear the pitter-patter of little feet in our hallway last night.

1 comment:

  1. Time away help us appreciate that pitter-patter even more. Glad you had a good time!
