Here I was, still grieving the recent loss of a fifth sibling of Chandler's, and I was taking the child I do have for granted instead of appreciating and enjoying every single minute I have with this precious little boy. God gave him to me for a reason, just like he took my other five for a reason. No one can ever convince me otherwise that Chandler is a miracle. He is a blessing in my life, and even though he may have entered a more challenging period of his growing up, I have vowed to make the best of it and try to focus on all the wonderful things he does to make my heart melt. Here are a few of those things...
* Dancing in the living room floor with me, even though it's really more like marching
* Saying, "Oh, me!" when something seems funny to him
* The endless books and puzzles that we look at and play with together
* The Legos, balls, and cars on the floor all over the house
* Answering "I'm here" when I ask him what he is doing while I'm cooking, cleaning, etc...
* The "raspberries" he attempts to give me and how he giggles when I give them to him
* How he absolutely LOVES to crawl and wrestle on our bed
* How he runs to me excitedly when we've been apart
* The way he declares "I'm done!" both at the end of a meal and when he's on the potty
* How he absolutely loves running around with nothing on after going to the potty
* The way he seriously ponders things these days by saying "Let's see..."
* The cute,
mischievous grin he gives me when he knows he's been caught being naughty
* The precious way he says "Nope!" or "Uh-Uh" when he is asked a question
* His sweet laughs, even though sometimes there is really nothing funny happening
* The way he still sleepily rubs his eyes and cuddles with me every night before he goes to bed
My list could go on and on, but my point is, I love this little boy that God has given me, and I don't ever want to take him for granted. He is too precious for that, and like I was reminded the other day, before I know it, I'll be helping him pack for college. For now, though, I will enjoy all the sweet things he does, and I will make it through the tough times just like millions of mothers before me have done.
Great post to help you (& others like me) to appreciate each moment with these amazing gifts walking (& often times running) amongst us!